The BHS Class of 1967 mission has been established to maintain an active interest of all
classmates and to encourage the advancement of youth through annual scholarships
The annual dues of $60.00 is disseminated as follows:
Benevolent Fund ‐ $20.00
Scholarship Fund ‐ $20.00
General Fund ‐ $20.00
Benevolent Fund:
Active classmates will receive annually $25.00 benevolence during illness .
Death of classmate or immediate family member, classmate or family will receive $25.00 benevolence, Peace Lilly and Resolution.
Non‐active classmate will receive Resolution
(Please keep officers advised of illness or death)
Scholarship Fund:
One qualified senior from BHS will receive a one‐time scholarship in the amount of
$500.00 during Honors Day.
General Fund:
Used for all purposes that are not restricted for specific purposes. Examples would be
stamps, office supplies, etc.