Mattie T. Blount High School Class of 1967 Alumni By-Laws



  1. The purpose of the By-Laws is to provide structure in conducting the business of the Alumni Class of 1967 Mattie T. Blount High School.  The Official name of the organization shall be The Class of 1967. No individual or group may use The Class of 1967 for any purpose or activities or act independently as an agent in the solicitation of funds without the approval of the Executive Committee.


  1. The Class of 1967  is a charitable organization.  Its mission is to encourage members of the class in triumphs and tragedy; to facilitate group fellowship at regular intervals; to create and maintain a scholarship program for deserving students of Mattie T. Blount High School and to implement community service projects.  The Organization shall operate with six standing committees: Executive, Finance & Fundraising, Communications, Class Reunion, Scholarship and Nomination. 


  1. All class meetings will follow Robert’ Rules of Order.  Only members in good financial standing shall have voting rights.  All class members of 1967 shall have the right and privilege to participate in all class activities.


Class Membership:

Eligibility is defined as those classmates who attended Mattie T. Blount High School  for any length of time and graduated in the Class of 1967. Individuals may become an honorary member by a majority vote of the members.  All members are asked to pay dues as determined within the stated by-laws.


Class Dues:

For the first year, The Class dues shall be $5.00 per month or $60.00 per year.  After the first year, class dues will be determined every two years by a majority vote, however dues may be changed at any time by a majority vote of class members.



Only members of The Class who are in good financial standing will have  the right and privilege to vote in class elections or on class business.  Robert’s Rules of Order will be the guide for parliamentary procedures. A majority vote is required to pass, approve or amend any by-laws.


Class Officers:

The Class officers shall consist of: President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant at Arms, Business Manager and Chaplain.


Roles and Duties:



The President shall be The Class representative and spokesperson.  The President will conduct all class meetings. He / She may independently request financial reports and updates for all committees; bring issues to the class for vote and have the authority to call special meetings with a 24-hour notice.  The President is accountable for the overall operation of The Class. The President does not have the right to expend or commit any funds, even in an emergency, without the approval of the Executive Committee. The President is an Ex-officio member of all committees and has the right to vote, but none of the obligations of membership.


Vice President

The Vice President shall conduct class meetings and represent the class in the absence of the President.  The Vice President will be responsible for overseeing all committees to ensure that they are functioning as outlined in the bylaws.  When a committee is not functioning within its guidelines, the Vice President may call a Committee meeting. If a matter needs approval prior to a class meeting, the Vice President must be informed.  The Vice President will contact the President concerning the matter. The President will then call a meeting of the Executive Committee to discuss and approve or disapproval of the matter. Members in need of financial assistance may make their request known to the Vice President.  The President and Vice President, along with the other members of the Executive Committee, will determine if the request will be granted.

Recording Secretary  

The Recording Secretary shall record the minutes of all scheduled meetings or other special meetings that may be called by the President.  Shall read all class minutes and maintain a file record of the minutes. Shall solicit reports from all Committee Chairs and maintain a file of these reports.  Shall serve as a member of the Communications and Executive Committees.



The Treasurer shall receive funds and deposit in the Class Bank Account.  The treasurer shall make all disbursements of class funds and maintain appropriate documents (receipts, cancelled checks, invoices, etc).  The Treasurer shall regularly reconcile the account. He / She shall provide a report to all members every month. He / She shall provide an annual financial report.  The Treasurer, President and Vice President are authorized check signers. In order for a check to be valid, the treasurer and one other authorized check signer must sign it.  The Treasurer shall be a member of the Finance and Executive Committees.


Sergeant at Arms

The Sergeant at Arms shall maintain order during class meetings.  Shall bring to the Executive Committee issues of concern with classmates whose conduct is not consistent with the organization’s mission, goal and by-laws.


Class Chaplain

The Class Chaplain shall provide spiritual guidance to the class.


Executive Committee

The executive committee shall consist of the following Class Officers:  President, Vice President, Recording Secretary and Treasurer. All Committee Chairs are invited to attend Executive Committee meetings on at need bases but is not a voting member.  The Executive Committee shall conduct business of the Class, develop action plans, make emergency decisions by a majority vote with four votes being a majority vote for approval. All Executive decisions taken on behalf of the Class must be brought before the Class at the next Class meeting.  The President may call Executive Committee meetings at his/her discretion.


Election of Officers 

The election of officers shall be in November.  Officers will be elected for a two-year consecutive term and will be seated in January.  The initial officer’s election shall serve twelve months beginning in January through December.


Term of Office Limits

An Officer can only serve two consecutive terms (four years).  An Officer can be elected in a different position following a two-consecutive term of holding another position than he or she is presently seeking.


Removal from Office

Any officer who fails to perform his or her duty; misconduct or fraud of office; or missed three unexcused absences from consecutive regular meetings automatically relinquish their position and maybe removed from office by a majority vote of the class at a regular class meeting.  Any officer resigning from their position should notify the Class in writing.


Class Meetings

A regular Class Meeting shall be held every month.  The meeting time will be update every three months. The President may call a special meeting as needed to conduct class business.



A quorum will consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Sargent at Arms.  All meetings will follow Robert’s Rules of Order.


Committee Structure

Committees are formed to aid in the implementation or carrying out the class mission goals and objectives.  Committees are needed to develop plans and activities. There shall be three standing committees; Class Reunion and Scholarship and Finance.  All Committees shall provide a written plan of action with budget requirements. Committees shall meet as often as necessary to conduct business.  However, all committees shall provide both written and oral report of all regular class meetings and other reports that may be requested by the President.  The written report shall be given to the Recording Secretary who will maintain a file on all committee reports. A meeting quorum shall consist of three or more members.  Committees maybe added or deleted as class business dictates. All committees shall have a Chair and Co-Chair.


Scholarship Program

A Scholarship program must be maintained by the Class as part of the Mission.  They shall receive and review scholarship applications. This committee will also be involved in the selection process.  The committee shall submit applications to the Executive Committee for review and approval. Family members of the Class of 1967 are eligible to apply as long as they meet the qualifications but will not be given preferential treatment over other candidates.


Code of Conduct

All members are expected to exemplify professional and ethnical behavior which consist of the following:

  • All class members shall respect the rights of others to express their opinions, make suggestions or recommendation.  A majority vote will determine if a suggestion or recommendation is accepted or rejected.
  • All members are expected to exemplify professional and ethical conduct.
  • Class members are expected to conduct themselves in an orderly manner during all class meetings and activities.  
  • No abusive language or profanity will be acceptable.
  • No Officer or member shall fraudulently misuse their position.
  • No member shall illegally collect or use any funds without approval of the Executive Committee.

If a member violates the Code of Conduct, the Sergeant-at-Arms or Class Officer may bring him/her to the attention of the Executive Committee.  The class may take action to reprimand or vote to dismiss this member. A majority vote is required for dismissal or for legal action to be taken to protect the interest of the Class of 1967.


Amendment of By-Laws

The by-laws maybe amended by the majority of eligible class members present at the meeting.  Eligible class members must be notified in advance of the vote for amendment by thirty days.


Dissolution of the Organization

The organization maybe dissolved by a majority vote of eligible members.  All assets of the Organization shall be distributed through the Scholarship Program or donated to Mattie T. Blount High School in the name of  The Alumni Class of 1967 of Blount High School for the purpose of assisting students, clubs and organizations.


Conflict of Interest

No Officer or Member shall receive compensation or benefit financially from their position; or may vote on a scholarship or project that directly or indirectly benefits them personally or their family.  A member must disclose to the Executive Committee a personal interest whether direct or indirect before voting on compensation to an individual or entity (to include but not limited to scholarship and community projects.)  A member of the Class of 1967 may receive financial assistance (Medical, rent/mortgage, food, utilities, burial, furniture and building supplies) not to exceed $200.00 per calendar year. The member must present a bill due as proof of the need.  An interested person may present their case (if desired) before the Executive Committee, but after the presentation, he/she shall leave the meeting during the discussion of the vote on the transaction or arrangement involving the possibly of conflict of interest.


In all financial matters where an individual is receiving compensation such as  scholarship or special needs, a vote shall have the recorded names.


Adopted this 25th day of January 2020